May 23, 2011
It still makes sense for the victim to immediately cut their losses by changing the network key, though the attacker can sometimes follow the victim and monitor for a change.
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Sideloading is the process of loading software onto a computer without the user's knowledge or consent. There is a way to bypass this step, but it requires some work from the user.
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May 22, 2011
I'm teaching a cryptography class this term and we've spent the first month discussing various attacks on authentication protocols.
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Locking a piece of content prevents future or inadvertent modification. Although this locking is typically associated with databases, it can also be applied to documents or images on a network server.
The attacker can use the same attack from the attacker's point of view.
Windows XP Wireless Keyboard won't connect to Windows 7.
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May 21, 2011
Reasons for Deleting Items from iTunes (Image: Keijiro /iStockphoto.com) How to Buy an Electronically-Locked Portable CD Player Apple MacBook Pro Using iTunes to Add, Change, or Remove MP3s, Videos, Photos, or App Store Apps.
Locking is similar to .
This is a list of files and directories that are critical for the operation of Windows XP (any edition).
Spyware/malware collection developed by the Malware Research Lab at [Removal].
When a user first installs Windows XP, they have to create a new user account.
With a valid Windows XP license, you can install and create a new user account on any Windows XP system.
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May 20, 2011
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